10 acts in the book of revelations chapter

Three angels broadcasting network 3abn 1,195,868 views 58. In chapter 10, an angel has the book and it is opened. Prayer and personal revelation, teachings of presidents of the church. Chapter 10 begins with another parenthesis in the chronology of revelation 10. In fact, the opening passage contains a blessing to everyone who reads, hears, and keeps the words of this prophecy. Just as peters revelation instructed the early church to take the gospel to the gentiles, this modern. A commentary on the book of revelation chapter the. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelation. Revelation made simple and easy to understand this last book of the bible bears the title revelation, meaning, unveiling, yet, it presents visions of. And a rainbow was on his head, his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. As a real estate appraiser, measuring buildings is part of my job so i can relate to this text. We are missing a few lectures that we hope to record the next time dr.

Thus, the issue of gentiles directly mingling with jews can be sidestepped until chapter 10. The book is traditionally attributed to john the apostle, but the precise identity of the author remains a point of academic debate. These include lecture numbers 2 and 11, the lecture covering acts chapters 1622 and 1 thessalonians, and the lecture covering revelation chapter 6. From this larger picture you can better understand what is happening. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head. Acts 10 new international version niv cornelius calls for peter.

Chapter 10 begins with another parenthesis in the chronology of revelation. Acts 1012 the church of jesus christ of latterday saints. It alone presents an extensive picture of early church life and history. Revelation 10 niv bible then i saw another mighty angel. We must bring out the difference between to be about to. Oct 21, 2016 revelations battle of armageddon and the seven last plagues revelations ancient discoveries duration. In chapter five, the book is in gods hand and it is sealed. A little book and the seven thunders 1 and i saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. They seized stephen and brought him before the sanhedrin. The apostle john is commanded to seal up what the thunders uttered in the little book, and is told not to write about what was said. He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. The title as we know it comes from the second century and only partially discloses the theme of the document. Prayer and personal revelation it is the privilege of the children of god to come to god and get revelation.

Then i saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. John is told to write down everything god shows him, and boy is god going to show him some strange things. The judgeship of jesus christ was stipulated in john 5. Once again when the passage is taken in its normal or literal meaning much of the diversity immediately. Revelation chapters 22 focus on the beast, christs final victory, final. Its subject and intention is nicely summarised by the words of the lord in chapter 1. Immediately i saw a black horse appear, and its rider was holding a pair of scales. The new testament word antichrist comes from the greek antichristos, meaning in opposition to christ or in substitution for christ. I saw still another mighty angel coming down from heaven, clothed with a cloud. Acts with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. The author quite certainly was luke for the following reason. The tendency of many interpreters at this point is. Acts 8, new international version niv the bible app.

Apr 22, 2018 the angel mentioned here in revelation chapter 10 could simply be one of gods many angels, since the angel is unnamed, or a more wellknown angel such as gabriel, etc. This first appearance was before the throne of god when a mighty angel asked who is worthy to open the seals and open the scroll, revelation 5. This chapter is an introduction to the latter part of the prophecies of this book. Revelation 10 is the tenth chapter of the book of revelation or the apocalypse of john in the new testament of the christian bible.

Faculty members from the byu religious education department discuss the writings and teachings of the apostles as written in the books from acts through. This chapter and the first part of the next chapter report two episodes which intervene between the sounding of the sixth and. Each cycle describes what occurs repeatedly throughout the latter days, the time from pentecost to the end. Hes just a mildmannered christian guy living in exile whenpow. This lesson is called, doing gods will in difficult times. Even stranger, it was only one of many nowforgotten books of revelation. These are all of the chapters of the book of revelation. The structure of the book of acts shows how this theme was fulfilled by. Biblical studiesnew testament commentariesrevelationchapter 10. Chapter 10 this chapter is an introduction to the latter part of the prophecies of this book. Chapter 10 the little book, the mighty angel, and seven.

Revelation with book summary versebyverse bible commentary. However, the idea or opinion held that the angel was in actuality christ himself is not a wellsupported one for a number of different reasons. Acts 1 niv jesus taken up into heaven in my bible gateway. The events recorded in revelation 10 occur on earth rather than heaven, and there is no indication that the mighty angel of this chapter is the same as the one john observed in revelation 5. Clicking on a chapter will show you the text of that chapter of revelation in the bible new international version. The book of acts is the link between the gospels and the epistles. This monumental shift of focus is documented for us in acts 1015. But ye will receive power, the holy spirit having come upon you, and ye shall be my witnesses both in jerusalem and in all judaea and samaria and to the end of the earth. Revelation 10 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. There was a previous occasion when a mighty angel was made known to john. The acts of the apostles is a unique and therefore crucial book of the new testament. Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the lord our god.

The temple, the two witnesses, and the seventh trumpet. The angel with the little book verse 1 1 and i saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. There is a wide diversity of viewpoints regarding the interpretation of this chapter, but most of this occurs because men try to symbolize or spiritualize the city, the temple, and the events that are portrayed here. Perhaps no passage in revelation is more controversial than chapter 11. The book of revelation is the fullest statement on the lords judgeship. Divide the chapter into topics or paragraphs and give each a title. Acts 1 new international version niv jesus taken up into heaven.

Mounce, says, judging from the amount of attention given by many writers to the first ten verses of chapter 20, one would judge it to be the single most important segment of the book of revelation. The book of revelation, a prophecy of warning and hope. The events of revelation are the events that occur in the book of revelation of the new testament. The importance of the little book will be seen shortly. Chapter 4 the throne of god chapter 5 the lamb of god in the midst of the redeemed. Johns instruction from the lord is not similar to when daniel was told to seal his book. You sort of picture john with a bunch of legal pads trying to describe what. However, one aspect of the mighty angel of this chapter is his physical appearance. The angel with the little book verse 1 1 and i saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire commentary. Whether what is contained between this and the sounding of the seventh trumpet ch.

The angel mentioned here in revelation chapter 10 could simply be one of gods many angels, since the angel is unnamed, or a more wellknown angel such as gabriel, etc. What the 1945 lost book of revelation reveals about the. Return from chapter 10 to the versebyverse commentary on revelation page. They had asked where simons house was and they were now. Revelation chapter 19 explained book of revelation each. Before we move onto the next chapter we should note that the patterns of. The primary emphasis, the heart, of the book is chapters 1214. Revelation chapter 10 explained discover revelation.

Luke describes the similar experience of peter acts acts 10. God hits him with a doozy of a revelation hey, thats not a bad idea for a title. The book of acts provides a bridge for the writings of the nt. The devil, who inspires the synagogue of satan, is to be allowed to afflict them, as he afflicted job. The expression occurs here only in the new testament, and beyond all reasonable doubt it means on sunday. The angel cries out and seven thunders utter their voices. Fear not the things which thou art about to suffer. Whether what is contained between this and the sounding of the seventh trumpet be a distinct prophecy from the other, or only a more general account of some of the principal things included in the other, is disputed by our curious enquirers into these abstruse writings. We have already looked at trumpets 16 in revelation 8. He boasted that he was someone great, 10 and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, this man is rightly called the great power of god. John indeed sees a revelation of jesus in the very first chapter. Instead of stories and moral teaching, it offers only visionsdreams and nightmares, the four horsemen of the apocalypse pictured.

Another mighty angel the seventh appears standing with one foot on the sea and the other on land, holding an opened little book. General in revelation 1, we are told the book is about a revelation of jesus christ. Revelations battle of armageddon and the seven last plagues revelations ancient discoveries duration. A study of the acts to revelation in the framework of the history of the early church. Acts 1 niv jesus taken up into heaven bible gateway. The act of eating the book scroll, symbolizes the absorbing and assimilating. He placed his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land, 3 and then he cried out in a loud voice as. The events recorded in revelation 10 occur on earth. As a second volume to lukes gospel, it joins what jesus began to do and to teach 1. Acts 10 niv cornelius calls for peter bible gateway.

Enduring word bible commentary revelation chapter 10. The book answers why and how jesus will judge israel, the church, the wicked and satan. Sadly, the sanhedrin and their followers were on the first path. The book of revelation is by far one of the most challenging books in the bible, yet well worth the effort to study and comprehend. The antichrist and the false prophet 1 and i stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. Now that the little book is fully open, which best explains why jesus sets foot on earth and then roars like a lion. The name of jesus christ is the center of contention verse 7, 10, 12, and ever will be. The voice john hears is similar to when he was told to come up, revelation 4. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant john, a 2 who gives witness to the word of god and to the testimony of jesus christ by reporting what he saw. Which does not identify the one who john saw coming down from heaven holding a little book.

Measuring the temple, the two witnesses, and the blowing of the seventh trumpet. The book of revelation is a book of angels, since about a fourth of all mention of angels in scripture, occurs in the apocalypse. The gospel of luke and the book of acts form a single, twovolume work. Most of the questions are dealt with in this commentary. The author distinguishes himself from pauls other companions in acts by naming them. The book of revelation is the strangest book in the bible, and the most controversial. The description of this angel in particular in interesting because it draws on images from several other places. Acts 6, new international version niv the bible app. As an episode was introduced between the sixth and seventh seals, so there is one here revelation 10.

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